Harry Winston Opus 14

Harry Winston Opus 14

Harry Winston a stiut cum sa atraga atentia colectionarilor de ceasuri de-a lungul anilor. Inspirandu-se din conceptul american “jukebox”, Harry Winston a creat noul model Opus 14. Acesta este rezultatul colaborarii cu alţi doi creatori de marca: Frank Orny si Johnny Girardin. Carcasa are in diametru 54,7 mm si este realizata din aur alb. Indicatorul de ora este situat in zona orei 8, iar cel de minute este in zona orei 4. Modelul Harry Winston Opus 14 reprezinta imaginea sincronizarii a 1066 de componente, 124 de pietre preţioase si 31 de punţi. Colectia Opus se remarca inca din anul 2001, iar pentru a fi prezentate functionalitatile elaborate in toti acesti ani, a fost realizat un video ce exprima maiestria lui Harry Winston la adevarata sa valoare. Opus 14 este produs in editie limitata, doar 50 de exemplare, un astfel de exemplar avand pretul de 434.000 de dolari.

Sursa: nakedbrands.ro

Harry Winston knew how to attract the attention of collectors as the years passed. Opus 14 Harry Winston knew how to attract the attention of collectors watches over the years. Drawing inspiration from the American concept ” jukebox “, Harry Winston created the new Opus 14. This new model is the result of collaboration with two other designers: Frank Orny and Johnny Girardin. 54.7 mm diameter casing is made ​​of white gold. Time indicator is located in the 8 o’clock area, while the minute is the time zone 4. The Harry Winston Opus 14 represents the synchronization of 1066 components, 124 precious stones and 31 bridges. Opus Collection stands alone since 2001 and to reveal all the functionalities developed all these years, a video presentation was created to express Harry Winston’s mastery at its true value. Opus 14 is produced in limited edition of only 50 copies, one copy having a price of 434,000 dollars.

Source: nakedbrands.ro