Alexandra Stan – Seductive shapes

Alexandra Stan si-a facut debutul cu piesa “Lollipop” in 2009, iar Mr. Saxobeat a propulsat-o pe piata muzicala internationala, cucerind topurile din peste 20 de tari din toata lumea. Nu e de mirare faptul ca, in ultimii patru ani, artista a fost in turnee in zeci de tari, de la Noua Zeelanda si Australia pana la USA, Canada, Mexic, Japonia, Turcia, intreaga Europa.

Cum nu spune niciodata nu provocarilor, Alexandra a fost invitatul special al unui proiect caritabil din Barcelona, unde a cantat in catalana piesa artistei Cher, „Strong Enough”. Mai mult, iubitoare a senzatiilor tari, Alexandra a fost de curand copilotul campionului mondial de Formula 1, Mika Hakkinen, in cadrul campaniei #DontDrinkAndDrive. Nu mai e nicio mirare faptul ca Alexandra Stan este ca o pasare Phoenix, care se reinventeaza mereu, asa ca artista si-a surprins fanii cu noul ei single, „We Wanna”, o colaborare cu Inna si Daddy Yankee. Vara asta se anunta plina de evenimente si concerte internationale pentru Alexandra Stan.

Alexandra este vedeta copertei GETT’S Highlights vara 2015, iar despre transformarile in materie de coafura ea a declarat:”Dintotdeauna mi-a placut sa dau frau liber creativitatii si imaginatiei, iar atunci cand te lasi pe mana unei echipe de profesionisti, rezultatul nu are cum sa fie altul decat unul foarte cool!”


Fotograf: Tudor Cucu; Styling: Luminita Faurescu;

Hair: Oana Motoi, Daniel Cristea; Makeup: Dana Petrina;

Coordonator: Jacqueline Enciu.


Alexandra Stan – Seductive shapes

Alexandra Stan made ​​her debut in 2009 with the song “Lollipop”, and Mr. Saxobeat propelled her on the international music market, conquering the charts in over 20 countries worldwide. No wonder that in the past four years, she has been touring in dozens of countries, from New Zealand and Australia to the USA , Canada , Mexico, Japan, Turkey , the whole Europe.

As she never says no to a challenge, Alexandra was the special guest of a charitable project in Barcelona , where he sang in Catalan Cher’s song ” Strong Enough “. Moreover, a lover of thrills, Alexandra was recently the co-pilot of Formula 1 world champion, Mika Hakkinen, for the #DontDrinkAndDrive campaign. There’s no wonder that Alexandra Stan is like a Phoenix, constantly reinvents herself , so the artist surprised her fans with her new single, ” We Wanna “, a collaboration with Inna and Daddy Yankee. This summer is full of events and international concerts for Alexandra Stan.

Alexandra is the cover star of GETT’S Highlights Magazine summer 2015 issue, and when asked about the hair transformation we gave her, she said: ” I’ve always liked to unleash my creativity and imagination, and when you put yourself in the hands of a professional team, the result can only be a very cool one! ”


Photographer: Tudor Cucu; Styling : Luminita Faurescu ;

Hair: Oana Motoi , Daniel Cristea; Makeup: Dana Petrina ;

Coordinator: Jacqueline Enciu