Tips-uri pentru coafurile retro

Imaginile oficiale ale sezonului 7 din “Mad men” au fost facute publice la inceputul verii si de atunci, intreaga lume a coafurii viseaza la o vara retro.Coafurile adoptate de personajele feminine sunt atat de elaborate si in acelasi timp atat de purtabile, incat am vrut sa va spunem cum se pot realiza.

Cocul “bouffant” al lui Joan este coafura mult visata de femeile cu parul mediu, care iubesc look-urile hair-up, pline de volum. Aveti nevoie doar de un ondulator cu diametru mai mare pentru a forma bucle lejere, un pieptene pentru tapat si o lotiune de fixare. Bobul in stilul anilor ’60 al lui Peggy este rafinat si plin de personalitate. Daca aveti parul neastamparat, cu varfuri care stau in orice directie, doar folositi o perie rotunda pentru a le intoarce in exterior, nu inainte de a fi aplicat o crema sau lotiune pentru volum pe parul umed. Megan si parul ei lung, in valuri, compun o imagine a stralucirii Hollywoodiene. Coafura ei semi-coada de cal este specifica pentru anii ’70 si se realizeaza usor, oferind un efect maxim de lungime si volum. Aveti nevoie doar de un clips de par si un fixativ puternic. Betty are un look timeless, ducand tunsoarea bob la un alt nivel de sofisticare. Cu bigudiuri calde, un spray pentru stralucire si cateva agrafe pentru fixarea parului la tample puteti obtine acelasi efect.

Folosind aceste tips-uri, nu va ramane decat sa experimentati, iar atunci cand va doriti o coafura cu un finis profesional, va asteptam in saloanele GETT’S pentru a va pune in practica dorintele.


Tips for retro hairstyles

The official images of “Mad Men” series, season 7 were released early this summer and by now the whole world is dreaming of a retro summer. The hairstyles wore by female characters are so elaborate, yet so wearable that we wanted to teach you how to achieve them.

Joan’s “bouffant” bun is every women’s dream of a medium length hairdo, in love with hair up looks, full of volume. You only need a larger diameter curling iron to form loose curls, a comb and a setting lotion. Peggy’s ‘60s bob style is refined and full of personality. If you have unruly hair, with peaks that lie in any direction, just use a round brush to turn them inside out, not before applying a volumizing cream or lotion on wet hair. Megan and her waves create a picture of Hollywood glamour. Her semi-ponytail hairstyle is specific to the ’70s and it can be done very easily, offering a maximum effect of length and volume. You only need a hair clip and a strong hold hairspray. Betty has a timeless look, a bob haircut with a high level of sophistication. With hot rollers, a shine spray and some hair clips to secure the temples you can get the same effect.

Using these tips you only have to experience, and when you want a professionally done hairstyle come to GETT’S salons to put your desire into practice.