Siluetele diafane si-au facut loc pe podium la Bridal Fashion Week. Alaturi de ele, dantelurile fine, accesoriile subtile si buchetele cu iz romantic. In timp ce croielile A-line au ramas in trend datorita senzualitatii pe care o emana, alte propuneri mai putin clasice, dar mai fluide au fost apreciate pentru comoditate si feminitate. Pe primul loc in privinta comoditatii sunt totusi rochiile scurte, care ofera cu siguranta mai multa libertate de miscare.
The return of romance
Ethereal silhouettes appeared on the catwalk at Bridal Fashion Week. Along with them, fine lace, subtle accessories and romantic bouquets. While A-line cut remained in trend for the exuded sensuality, other less classic but more flowing proposals, were assessed for convenience and femininity. First on the list in terms of convenience are still short dresses, which certainly offer more freedom of movement.