Chie Sato este hairdresser in echipa TONI&GUY si finalista categoriei Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year, in cadrul prestigiosului concurs anual organizat de Hairdresser Journal. Colectia sa uimeste prin texturile diafane si imaginile de o delicatete inspirata de lumea marina, pentru care aceasta a recunoscut ca nutreste o fascinatie profunda. Va lasam sa admirati uimitoarele imagini mai jos.
A collection inspired by the wonders of the sea
Chie Sato is a Toni & Guy team hairdresser and Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year category finalist in the prestigious annual competition organized by Hairdresser Journal. Her collection amazes with diaphanous textures and images inspired by the delicate sea world that the author acknowledged she loves. We leave you admire the amazing images below.